Meet Your Consultant

In my 25+ year career, I have taken many paths to arrive at what I call my soul play. Yes, I describe what I do as playing with my creativity through my offerings. I have retired from working as all that I do now is joyful and meaninful to me!


I don’t think I could have ever predicted where my journey would take me but it has been a ride full of surprises and unexpected turns. I am a Chemical Engineer by degree and spent the early years of my career in the Pulp and Paper industry ascending the corporate ladder through upper management. I was first introduced to a concept of team based leadership when I started up the first green field papermill in over 20 years. Our company wanted to do things differently and this was one of the most gratifying and expansive times in my own development. We successfully designed an organization structure where front line employees were empowered to actually manage their lines as well as  their own schedules and promotions. We called our supervisors “coaches”. This is where I learned the difference between leadership and management and it forever changed me. Developing strong relationships with my people and within our teams was the golden ticket and our results were confirmation. My plant career transitioned into labor relations and work systems negotiating labor agreements and managing new types of organizational structures.

Later in my career I moved into consulting work focusing on continuous improvement and operational excellence and had the opportunity to work in many different manufacturing applications. I directed a team of practitioners that oversaw a company implementation of a TPM style program that highlighted front line ownership and empowerment to solve problems using teams. 

While the system worked, and success was achieved I saw sustainment fail. I recognized that there needed to be more training and focus on the leaders in leading in this new paradigm. And this is where I began my own firm and decided to center my work on the missing link: people and how they communicate and work together. Instead of the process being the focal point I hone in on where we can leverage every company's most valuable assets-their people. I believe if you can create a climate of engaged, empowered and inspired employees you have the recipe for the results and the process will not only work but it will sustain itself. Whether I am coaching executives, leading strategy sessions or teaching workshops-my desire is to share what lights me up. Connecting us all to our source of wellbeing and joy-our Genius self.

I have had a parallel career and passion along my path as a yoga and mindfulness teacher as well as an astrologer. While many could view these as “hobbies”, these dimensions of myself continue to inform me and enrich my offerings. Both of these modalities center around self-discovery and awareness through a different lens.  I have integrated my years of experience to arrive at what I offer today and I will continue to let it evolve as my own growth and experiences continue to shape me.

I consider myself an alchemist now of all my experiences, passions, skills and talents. I carry a library of tools and tactics that allow me to meet you where you are. I am an innovator, a thought leader, a strategist, a teacher, a coach that will help you remove the obstacles so that you can design your Genius life.